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英文學測與指考單字題卜書(Tips)7000 字級

                    6   sufficient [ səˋfɪʃənt ]  adj.  足夠的;充分的
                         I don't think the food is sufficient for our trip. We had better buy more.

                           sufficiency [ səˋfɪʃənsɪ ]  n. 充分;足量
           1        7   abundant [ əˋbʌndənt ]  adj.  豐富的;充足的;大量的

                         This river is abundant in gold. Many people come here to pan for it.

                           abundance [ əˋbʌndəns ]  n. 充足;豐富;大量

                    8   award [ əˋwɔrd ]  n. 獎品;獎金  v.  授予;判予

                         He was awarded a Nobel Prize for his efforts in world peace.

                    9   reward [ rɪˋwɔrd ]  n. 獎品;獎賞;報償  v.  報答;報應
                         The man gave the girl one hundred dollars as a reward for finding his missing dog.

                    10   ward [ wɔrd ]  n. 病房;保護  v.  保護;避開                   片語 ward off 避開;擋住

                         The patient had an infectious flu and was put in an isolation ward.

                    11   infect [ ɪnˋfɛkt ]  v.  傳染;感染
                         It is suggested that one stay at home and avoid going to any public places if
                         infected with the flu.

                           infection [ ɪnˋfɛkʃən ]  n. 感染;傳染病

                           infectious [ ɪnˋfɛkʃəs ] adj. 傳染的;易傳染的;有感染力的

                          比較 Unit 9 1-33 contagious 傳染性的
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