Page 19 - ARMMbedOS物聯網實戰應用超入門
P. 19

ARM Mbed OS 物聯網實戰應用超入門

                    1-2.1 STM32F072 系列架構介紹 (初學者可暫時跳過此章節)

                         STM32F072 ӻΐމ Cortex-M0 ࣨːdܼ̍ STM32F072C8eSTM32F072R8e

                    ଟ௰৷̙༺ 48MHzfSTM32F ӻΐۨ໮νɨྡהͪj

                                                                STM32 F     072    R    B     T    6    x
                    Device Family
                    STM32 = ARM-based 32-bit microcontroller
                    Product Type
                    F = General-purpose
                    072 = STM32F072xx
                    Pin Count
                    C = 48/49 pins
                    R = 64 pins
                    V = 100 pins
                    User Code Memory Size
                    8 = 64 Kbyte
                    B = 128 Kbyte
                    H = UFBGA
                    T = LQFP
                    U = UFQFPN
                    Y = WLCOP
                    Temperature Range
                    6 = –40 to 85 °C
                    7 = –40 to 105 °C
                    xxx = code ID of programmed parts (includes packing type)
                    TR = tape and reel packing
                    blank = tray packing
                                                  圖  1-5  STM32F 系列型號

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